About Monica

Monica currently resides in Northern VA, working as a graphic designer for a small business by day and a crafter/illustrator/comic artist by night.
In 2009 she graduated from Marywood University with a Bachelor of Arts, in Graphic Design and a minor in Illustration.
Today she is obsessed with galaxies and stars. She spends her time crafting and illustrating new ideas for paper sculptures. When she is not doing any of that, she is playing video games with her loving fiance.
TauRadio at Interventioncon 2013 on the Artist Alley (around 2:02), 2013
Interview: Meet a Local Cartoonist: Monica H. or "MonMon", 2011
Kogaracon 2020 (Home edition) - Streaming - Live Demo of Paper Crafting/Illustration
Kotoricon 2020 - Live Demo of Paper Crafting/Illustration by MonMon
Kotoricon 2019- Live Demo of Paper Crafting/Illustration by MonMon
If you have a question about my work or want to have me talk at a class or demonstration about paper cutting/illustration or when my store will be updated, don't be afraid to reach out.
Email: artist.monhorn@gmail.com
Twitch | Instagram | X(Twitter) | Artfol: monhorn